
"From the time Peter & I commissioned Trypheyna to paint Cyril, I was confident I would see something special - I wasn't disappointed. When I first saw the finished work I was overcome with emotion.  Trypheyna had managed to capture the essence that is Cyril - from the devilish twinkle in his amazing blue eyes to the outgoing smile on his face.  However, the thing that impressed me most was that Trypheyna had captured Cyril's soul in her work.  It is right there on the canvas for all the family to see and most importantly for the generations to come who will hear the life stories of this remarkable man."   Terry-Ann Pert.  Forestville, Sydney. 2.2.2005

“I am so glad you phoned me today and we could talk about Cyril.  He passed away on 21 September and so all my emotions are still very raw.  We have moved house and Cyril now has a new home with Peter and me. I cannot tell you how precious his portrait has become.  I feel now that having the portrait done was the best money Peter and I could ever have spent.  Just to have his image to look at every day makes his passing somehow easier.  And the fact that he will always be with us gives Pete and me such comfort.  Other members of Peter's family are also able to see their father, grandfather, uncle or brother when they come to visit too, renewing their memories of him.  Cyril was such a vibrant, wonderful human being who led an exemplary life and he deserves to live on.  I can't think of a better way than to have his portrait.  Should anyone be thinking of doing something similar, please show them this email and ask them to think about the worth of their loved one.  Money couldn't buy Cyril's portrait now. Thank you again so much for your caring, kindness, compassion and understanding, you are a wonderful human being with such special gifts.” Terry-Ann Forestville Sydney 18.2.05


Just wanted to let you know how pleased my family and I are with the frangipani painting you created especially for us.  We loved the way you painstakingly ground the frangipani leaves from Greg's trees into the paint to give it depth and texture. The flowers seem so real and lifelike, and they have become symbolic of each member of our family.  When you view the painting you can see it was painted with such love and feeling - not just splashes of paint on a canvass.

The painting stirs up a lot of wonderful memories and emotions for us and when guests arrive at our home they always comment on the vibrant colours and are impressed with your work. We know you have painted the painting with so much emotion and compassion and it has great spiritual meaning to us.  Keep up the wonderful work.

Lesley, Narrabeen, 20.10.05


"truly amazing! wow!.......WOW! ....wow i have sat here for the last 5 minutes looking at this trying to find something to say!! but i think WOW i love it! sums it up. makes me smile!"