Mother's Day Breakfast

Good food is as much about love and sharing as it is about ingredients.

Enjoy togetherness at breakfast in celebration of Mother’s Day by including your children in the breakfast prep. Here are some tips:

– For kids who want to do it all on their own – simple is good. Buttered toast works well, for example.

– If Dad is helping – let your child create the breakfast that you normally make.

– Bake something together the night before, perhaps scones or muffins. That way, your child can serve it to you in bed in the morning with a glass of milk. No cooking involved.

– Another option is to let your child help you to make Mother’s Day breakfast together. That’s a special moment of bonding.


Thanking Your Own Mother

As Mother’s Day comes around, it may be the perfect time to spend a few minutes writing a letter of thanks to your own mother. Each day that you watch your children growing up and learning new things, you realise what it must have been like for your own mother. Take the time to show your thanks for all that she taught you.